Protect Your Tech This Winter - Our 2022 Ski Checklist - PHOOZY

Protect Your Tech This Winter - Our 2022 Ski Checklist

Did you know that if your phone is exposed to freezing temperatures - Anything below 32 degrees Fahrenheit, its performance and battery life will be significantly reduced?

Don't Let Your Phone Die This Winter - PHOOZY

Don't Let Your Phone Die This Winter

We’ve all been there - your pull your phone out of your pocket after an hour of skiing only to discover that the battery has gone from fully charged to 50 percent.

For cold weather adventurers planning to head to the mountains this winter, here's how you can protect your phone and prolong its battery life when you're in the cold.

Yahoo - "Best Winter Friendly Cases To Save Your Phone Battery" - November, 2020 - PHOOZY

Yahoo - "Best Winter Friendly Cases To Save Your Phone Battery" - November, 2020

In the cold, your phone battery can drop from 100 percent to dangerous red-bar territory in what seems like a matter of minutes.